James Henry Green Asia Scholarship, University of Sussex, UK
Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi James Henry Green Asia Scholarship, University of Sussex, UK, maka Scholarships 2014 - 2015 akan menyampaikan tentang James Henry Green Asia Scholarship, University of Sussex, UK seperti dibawah ini:
The scholarship is offered by the James Henry Green Charitable Trust through the James Green Centre for World Art at Royal Pavilion & Museums (RP&M), Brighton & Hove. On behalf of the Trust RP&M cares for an important collection of artefacts from Burma formed by a British man, James Henry Green. Through the Trust’s support RP&M is able to engage in research and collecting activities in Southeast Asia with a particular focus on Burma.
The James Henry Green Asia scholarship is available to students of South East Asian nationality or descent* who are wishing to pursue an MA degree in Anthropology or Development Studies or Migration Studies at the University of Sussex. The one-year scholarship provides an award of £5,000 as a contribution to tuition fees
Timetable Selection of the scholarship-holder will be undertaken at the end of June 2014 for students starting in September 2014. The scholarship-holder is expected to submit a final report to RP&M and to forward a bound copy of their MA thesis after successful submission. They are also expected to make a presentation on the subject of their research to the Trustees of the James Henry Green Charitable Trust at one of their annual general meetings during their tenure of the scholarship.
Type of award: Postgraduate masters
Award amount: £5,000 fee waiver
Application deadline: 30 April 2014
Further information
*In this context South East Asia includes the countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Burma (Myanmar) and Vietnam. UK students of South East Asian descent may also be considered
Contact details
For information about applying for the scholarship, please contact:
Anne-Meike Fechter: a.fechter@sussex.ac.uk
Department of Anthropology, University of Sussex.
For more information, please visit official website: www.sussex.ac.uk.
James Henry Green Asia Scholarship, University of Sussex, UK
The James Henry Green Asia scholarship is available to students of South East Asian nationality or descent* who are wishing to pursue an MA degree in Anthropology, Development Studies or Migration Studies at the University of Sussex. The one-year scholarship provides an award of £5,000 as a contribution to tuition fees.The scholarship is offered by the James Henry Green Charitable Trust through the James Green Centre for World Art at Royal Pavilion & Museums (RP&M), Brighton & Hove. On behalf of the Trust RP&M cares for an important collection of artefacts from Burma formed by a British man, James Henry Green. Through the Trust’s support RP&M is able to engage in research and collecting activities in Southeast Asia with a particular focus on Burma.
The James Henry Green Asia scholarship is available to students of South East Asian nationality or descent* who are wishing to pursue an MA degree in Anthropology or Development Studies or Migration Studies at the University of Sussex. The one-year scholarship provides an award of £5,000 as a contribution to tuition fees
Timetable Selection of the scholarship-holder will be undertaken at the end of June 2014 for students starting in September 2014. The scholarship-holder is expected to submit a final report to RP&M and to forward a bound copy of their MA thesis after successful submission. They are also expected to make a presentation on the subject of their research to the Trustees of the James Henry Green Charitable Trust at one of their annual general meetings during their tenure of the scholarship.
Type of award: Postgraduate masters
Award amount: £5,000 fee waiver
Application deadline: 30 April 2014
Further information
*In this context South East Asia includes the countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Burma (Myanmar) and Vietnam. UK students of South East Asian descent may also be considered
Contact details
For information about applying for the scholarship, please contact:
Anne-Meike Fechter: a.fechter@sussex.ac.uk
Department of Anthropology, University of Sussex.
For more information, please visit official website: www.sussex.ac.uk.