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Faculty of Agro-Industry Scholarships, Kasetsart University, Thailand

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi Faculty of Agro-Industry Scholarships, Kasetsart University, Thailand, maka Scholarships 2014 - 2015 akan menyampaikan tentang Faculty of Agro-Industry Scholarships, Kasetsart University, Thailand seperti dibawah ini:


Faculty of Agro-Industry Scholarships, Kasetsart University, Thailand

Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University offers scholarships for new international students to undertake graduate studies (PhD and MS) in the following programs:
  • Agro-Industrial Technology Management
  • Biotechnology
  • Food Science
  • Packaging Technology
  • Agro-Industrial Product Development
*All degree programs are non-coursework/research only program. Nonetheless, the students may register in the courses offered in English.

Amount awarded will be one of two types as follows:

Type 1 (Full tuition and fee): 10 scholarships
Grantee will receive a full tuition and enrollment fee waiver for 3 consecutive years for PhD students and 2 consecutive years for Master’s students.

Type 2 (Full tuition and fee, and monthly stipend): 10 scholarships
Grantee will receive a full tuition and enrollment fee waiver and monthly stipends for living expenses at the rate of 10,000 Thai Baht for 3 consecutive years for Ph.D. students and 2 consecutive years for Master’s students.

Scholarship applicants are required to apply for admission to Kasetsart University in the graduate program they have applied for the scholarships. Please note that this application will be considered together with your Application for Admission and the supporting documents you provided with your application.

How to apply:
  1. Review the information about the graduate programs of the Faculty of Agro-Industry (http://www.agro.ku.ac.th/english/index.php)
  2. Download the admission application to Kasetsart University form and complete the “KU Admission Form”. For more information about the admission to Kasetsart University please visit the International Studies Center (ISC) website at http://www.interprogram.ku.ac.th/
  3. Download the scholarship application form and complete the “AI Scholarship Application Form”
  4. Email the “KU Admission Form” and “AI Scholarship Application Form” in MS word format to vanee.c@ku.ac.th (cc to vanee.c@gmail.com). Place “2014 Scholarship” in subject line (no need to sign in these forms when sending by email)
  5. Scan and email the “Required Documents” to vanee.c@ku.ac.th (cc to vanee.c@gmail.com). Place “2014 Scholarship” in subject line
SIGN and mail the original “KU Admission Form” and “AI Scholarship Application Form” with the required documentation to:

Dr. Vanee Chonhenchob
Faculty of Agro-Industry
Kasetsart University
50 Ngam Wong Wan Rd.
Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900

Place “2014 SCHOLARSHIP” on the envelope

Only completed applications will be considered and must be received no later than May 31, 2014. Scholarship recipients will be notified by email around June 15, 2014. Scholarship recipients must maintain full-time status. All application documents will be forwarded to the International Studies Center for admission process after the scholarships process ends.

Contact Information:
Vanee Chonhenchob, PhD
Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University
50 Ngam Wong Wan Rd.
Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
Tel: +662 562 5052 Fax: +662 562 5001
Email: vanee.c@ku.ac.th, vanee.c@gmail.com

For more information, please visit official website: agro.ku.ac.th.

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