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WMG Master Scholarships, University of Warwick, UK

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi WMG Master Scholarships, University of Warwick, UK, maka Scholarships 2014 - 2015 akan menyampaikan tentang WMG Master Scholarships, University of Warwick, UK seperti dibawah ini:


WMG Master Scholarships, University of Warwick, UK

Scholarships are available on a competitive basis and should be applied for through the Scholarship Application Form. The deadline for scholarships applications is 20th May 2014. Only WMG offer-holders are eligible to apply, so you must submit an MSc application and have a conditional or unconditional offer first.

Once you have an MSc offer, the scholarship application form is here.

Awards will be based on past academic achievement and a short essay (400 words max) demonstrating to the scholarships committee why you should be considered for the award. This may refer to your previous experience, extracurricular activities, reasons for study, and your vision for the future. We advise you to concentrate on your achievements as the scholarship committee cannot make a judgement on your financial affairs.

Up to 50* scholarships will be awarded on a % discount of the tuition fees:
  • 20 x 20% (£4,000 for overseas fee payers or £2,200 for EU fee payers)
  • 15 x 35% (£7,000 for overseas fee payers or £3,850 for EU fee payers)
  • 15 x 50% (£10,140 for overseas fee payers or £5,500 for EU fee payers)
*NB: % and amounts have been rounded off the nearest full number for ease of administration

  • Scholarship applicants must hold an offer to study on a WMG Full-time MSc course starting September 2014
  • Awards are made for study on Full-time MSc Programmes only.
  • Applicants should have an excellent academic track-record. Usually the equivalent of a British 1st Class Honours Degree is the minimum requirement.
  • All applications should be made online through the Scholarship Application Form by the applicant personally. If an application is made by a third party, any sum awarded may have to be reimbursed.
  • WMG Awards are for self-funded students only. NB. students with partial bursaries on scholarship-loan schemes or partially funded by an external organisation may also apply.
  • Awards are made towards tuition fees only and cannot be paid in cash or towards accommodation or maintenance costs.
  • Awards cannot be deferred to subsequent years.
  • The deadline for scholarship applications is Tuesday 20th May 2014. 9.00am UK time.
  • Scholarship winners will be notified by 2nd week of June.
  • WMG will award scholarships across all WMG Full-time MSc Programmes to maximize nationality and gender diversity.
* These numbers are for guidence only. WMG reserves the right to amend the exact number of scholarships awarded

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