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William Wallace Gibson Memorial Scholarship, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi William Wallace Gibson Memorial Scholarship, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, maka Scholarships 2014 - 2015 akan menyampaikan tentang William Wallace Gibson Memorial Scholarship, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand seperti dibawah ini:


William Wallace Gibson Memorial Scholarship, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Bill Gibson was a Presbyterian Minister who served in a number of Parish roles and as the Executive Director of Presbyterian Support Services. He was an active freemason, serving as the Grand Chaplain. His death ends a family relationship between New Zealand Pacific No. 2 and the Gibson family spanning over a hundred years and four generations. This Scholarship is being awarded in his memory.

Purpose of award
One scholarship shall be awarded biennially to a postgraduate student in Religious Studies at Victoria University to provide support for postgraduate students in Religious Studies whilst they are engaged in research.

Selection criteria
The award is open to all postgraduate Religious Studies students, irrespective of faith, nationality, marital status, sex or age.

The selection will be made on the basis of an expression of interest to the Religious Studies Programme Director. The Programme Faculty will then reduce the list of nominees to three students who will be interviewed by a sub-Committee of the Lodge.

The successful candidate will be chosen on the basis of a panel interview with Lodge members where three areas will be discussed:
  1. The candidate’s academic merit,
  2. Their engagement in community activities, and
  3. The purpose for which the Scholarship proceeds will be used.
Number of awards offered: One each year

Value: $2000.00

Tenure of award: One year

Closing dates for applications
Friday 15 November 2013
Saturday 15 November 2014

How do students apply?
Applicants should submit an expression of research interest plus a CV to the Programme Director of Religious Studies.

Decision makers
The selection will be made on the basis of expression of interest to the Religious Studies Programme Director. The Programme Faculty will then reduce the list of nominees to three students who will be interviewed by a sub-Committee of the Lodge. The most deserving candidate in the opinion of the Lodge will receive the scholarship.

How and when do students learn of the decision?

What conditions are attached to acceptance of this award?
  1. The successful candidate is expected to prepare and deliver a lecture to the Lodge, of up to half an hour in length, on a topic they are studying during the year in which they shall have received the Scholarship.
  2. The Victoria University Foundation will ask recipients to write thank you letters on receiving the Award and an end of year progress report to the donor.
Additional information
Scholarship recipients may hold this and other awards simultaneously.

Who else has information about this award?
The Religious Studies Programme Director

For guidelines, application forms and more information about this award contact:

The Scholarships Office
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
New Zealand

Phone: (04) 463 5113 or (04)463 5557
E-mail: scholarships-office@vuw.ac.nz

For more information, please visit official website: www.vuw.ac.nz.

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