University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship, New Zealand
Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship, New Zealand, maka Scholarships 2014 - 2015 akan menyampaikan tentang University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship, New Zealand seperti dibawah ini:
University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarships are open to domestic and international applicants.
All applicants must have submitted an “Application to Enrol1” to apply for doctoral studies at the University of Waikato prior to, or at the same time as, applying for a Doctoral Scholarship. Scholarship applications will only be selected for consideration once the applicant has received an Offer of Place for Doctoral study at the University of Waikato.
Candidates already enrolled in a doctoral degree at the University of Waikato may apply. However, the Selection Panel will favour applications from new doctoral students and of those; preference will be given to applicants who have completed the entry qualifications for doctoral study. Scholarships (of reduced duration) may be offered to a candidate who has been enrolled in doctoral studies for six months full-time, or twelve months part-time, or more.
Scholarships are awarded on academic merit with a minimum grade of A–, in the previous two years of full-time study (four years if part-time), expected for eligibility.
Scholarship applications can be submitted any time. To be eligible for consideration, applicants must have an Offer of Place for doctoral study by the following dates: 31 October 2013 (for Round 1) and 30 April 2014 (for Round 2). Enrolled applicants, or those with an Offer of Place for doctoral study, will be automatically considered for the Round following submission of their scholarship application. Applicants applying for the first time to the University of Waikato will be informed when their Offer of doctoral study has been approved – their scholarship application will be considered at the next selection Round. Unsuccessful but eligible applications from a given Round will be carried over to the next Round for consideration, but will not be carried over to a third Round.
All candidates will be advised in writing of the result of their application. The Selections Panel’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into following the selection meeting.
The offer of a University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship may only be taken up by candidates who have formally completed the entry qualifications for, and then enrol in, doctoral studies. The Scholarship will not be paid over periods of non-enrolment.
The offer of a Scholarship must be accepted within a maximum of one month after the formal offer of the award is made. If the candidate fails to accept the award within the one month period, the offer shall lapse.
The tenure of each University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship shall commence within six months of the date the Scholarship is offered. During the tenure of the Scholarship, recipients must be enrolled as doctoral candidates in their approved programme of research.
For 2014, the total value of a Scholarship shall be a living allowance of up to $22,000.00 per annum (pro rata for part-time candidates), and an amount equal to the annual tuition fees payable during the term of the Scholarship. A thesis preparation allowance of up to $400 is also available. The value of the Scholarship shall be determined from time to time by the University Council.
The total term of any Scholarship will not exceed three years of full-time or six years of part-time enrolment. Termination of, or withdrawal from, a doctoral programme for which a Scholarship has been awarded, shall constitute termination of the Scholarship awarded for that doctoral programme.
Should a candidate submit their thesis for examination during the Scholarship period (and provided the candidate remains enrolled), the Scholarship will end after its full term or upon the candidate’s final completion of doctoral study, whichever is the earlier date. Final completion takes place when the Postgraduate Research Committee recommends the awarding of the degree.
If, while in receipt of a Doctoral Scholarship, the candidate withdraws from their enrolment, or their enrolment is terminated, the Scholarship will cease. If the candidate subsequently reapplies and is awarded another University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship, they will only be eligible for the outstanding amount remaining of the original Scholarship awarded.
Where the recipient of a University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship is offered other funding which does not preclude other stipendiary awards, the recipient may apply to the Scholarships Committee for permission to hold the external funding while retaining up to fifty per cent of the current living allowance of the University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Other awards that, when combined, do not exceed fifty per cent of the current value of the living allowance of their University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship in any one year, are permitted. Scholars must advise the Scholarships Committee, in writing, of any other awards held.
The University expects that the amount of time that candidates devote to their research will be proportionate to their enrolment status. This should equate to a minimum of 30 hours per week for full-time candidates and 15 hours per week for part-time candidates.
Candidates employed on a non-casual or non-part-time basis by the University of Waikato, will not normally be eligible for a Scholarship.
If, during the tenure of a Scholarship, a recipient’s circumstances change in such a manner that their continued eligibility for a Scholarship may be affected, they must inform the Scholarships Committee (via the Scholarships Office) immediately.
The Postgraduate Research Committee will provide advice and recommendations to the Scholarship Committee in regards to Progress Reports of Scholarship recipients that identify performance that is below expectation. A Scholarship may be terminated if the recipient is not meeting expectations in the Progress Reports. The holder of a Scholarship shall have the right to appeal to the Academic Board against any decision to terminate the award.
By accepting a Scholarship, the recipient agrees to participate in any publicity concerning the Scholarship arranged by the University of Waikato.
For more information, please visit official website:
University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship, New Zealand
These Scholarships are funded by the University of Waikato as part of its commitment to postgraduate research. The Scholarships are normally offered twice a year, to full- and part-time candidates for a doctoral degree of the University of Waikato. Candidates for the following doctoral degrees may apply for a University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Education (EdD) Part 2 only, Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) Part 2 only, and Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) Part 2 only.University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarships are open to domestic and international applicants.
All applicants must have submitted an “Application to Enrol1” to apply for doctoral studies at the University of Waikato prior to, or at the same time as, applying for a Doctoral Scholarship. Scholarship applications will only be selected for consideration once the applicant has received an Offer of Place for Doctoral study at the University of Waikato.
Candidates already enrolled in a doctoral degree at the University of Waikato may apply. However, the Selection Panel will favour applications from new doctoral students and of those; preference will be given to applicants who have completed the entry qualifications for doctoral study. Scholarships (of reduced duration) may be offered to a candidate who has been enrolled in doctoral studies for six months full-time, or twelve months part-time, or more.
Scholarships are awarded on academic merit with a minimum grade of A–, in the previous two years of full-time study (four years if part-time), expected for eligibility.
Scholarship applications can be submitted any time. To be eligible for consideration, applicants must have an Offer of Place for doctoral study by the following dates: 31 October 2013 (for Round 1) and 30 April 2014 (for Round 2). Enrolled applicants, or those with an Offer of Place for doctoral study, will be automatically considered for the Round following submission of their scholarship application. Applicants applying for the first time to the University of Waikato will be informed when their Offer of doctoral study has been approved – their scholarship application will be considered at the next selection Round. Unsuccessful but eligible applications from a given Round will be carried over to the next Round for consideration, but will not be carried over to a third Round.
All candidates will be advised in writing of the result of their application. The Selections Panel’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into following the selection meeting.
The offer of a University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship may only be taken up by candidates who have formally completed the entry qualifications for, and then enrol in, doctoral studies. The Scholarship will not be paid over periods of non-enrolment.
The offer of a Scholarship must be accepted within a maximum of one month after the formal offer of the award is made. If the candidate fails to accept the award within the one month period, the offer shall lapse.
The tenure of each University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship shall commence within six months of the date the Scholarship is offered. During the tenure of the Scholarship, recipients must be enrolled as doctoral candidates in their approved programme of research.
For 2014, the total value of a Scholarship shall be a living allowance of up to $22,000.00 per annum (pro rata for part-time candidates), and an amount equal to the annual tuition fees payable during the term of the Scholarship. A thesis preparation allowance of up to $400 is also available. The value of the Scholarship shall be determined from time to time by the University Council.
The total term of any Scholarship will not exceed three years of full-time or six years of part-time enrolment. Termination of, or withdrawal from, a doctoral programme for which a Scholarship has been awarded, shall constitute termination of the Scholarship awarded for that doctoral programme.
Should a candidate submit their thesis for examination during the Scholarship period (and provided the candidate remains enrolled), the Scholarship will end after its full term or upon the candidate’s final completion of doctoral study, whichever is the earlier date. Final completion takes place when the Postgraduate Research Committee recommends the awarding of the degree.
If, while in receipt of a Doctoral Scholarship, the candidate withdraws from their enrolment, or their enrolment is terminated, the Scholarship will cease. If the candidate subsequently reapplies and is awarded another University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship, they will only be eligible for the outstanding amount remaining of the original Scholarship awarded.
Where the recipient of a University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship is offered other funding which does not preclude other stipendiary awards, the recipient may apply to the Scholarships Committee for permission to hold the external funding while retaining up to fifty per cent of the current living allowance of the University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Other awards that, when combined, do not exceed fifty per cent of the current value of the living allowance of their University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship in any one year, are permitted. Scholars must advise the Scholarships Committee, in writing, of any other awards held.
The University expects that the amount of time that candidates devote to their research will be proportionate to their enrolment status. This should equate to a minimum of 30 hours per week for full-time candidates and 15 hours per week for part-time candidates.
Candidates employed on a non-casual or non-part-time basis by the University of Waikato, will not normally be eligible for a Scholarship.
If, during the tenure of a Scholarship, a recipient’s circumstances change in such a manner that their continued eligibility for a Scholarship may be affected, they must inform the Scholarships Committee (via the Scholarships Office) immediately.
The Postgraduate Research Committee will provide advice and recommendations to the Scholarship Committee in regards to Progress Reports of Scholarship recipients that identify performance that is below expectation. A Scholarship may be terminated if the recipient is not meeting expectations in the Progress Reports. The holder of a Scholarship shall have the right to appeal to the Academic Board against any decision to terminate the award.
By accepting a Scholarship, the recipient agrees to participate in any publicity concerning the Scholarship arranged by the University of Waikato.
For more information, please visit official website: