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Radboud Scholarship Programme, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands

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Radboud Scholarship Programme, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands

The Radboud Scholarship Programme offers a selected number of talented prospective non-EEA students the opportunity to receive a scholarship to pursue a complete English-taught Master’s degree programme at Radboud University Nijmegen. The Radboud Scholarship Programme is very selective and is only intended for talented students who have obtained outstanding study results and are highly motivated to pursue a Master’s degree programme at Radboud University.

Level and duration of the scholarship
The scholarship is not an amount of money that you will receive in your bank account but consists of a partial tuition waiver. The tuition fee will be waived to the level of an EEA student. Example: a grant holder in 2013/2014 pays a tuition fee of only € 1,835, instead of € 9,318 or € 10,260. In addition the Radboud Scholarship also covers costs such as for visa, residence permit, health insurance and liability insurance. This amounts to about € 1,000.

In case of a two-year programme: to qualify for the grant during the second year, you need to have passed all courses in the first year.

Eligibility requirements
You will only be eligible to obtain a Radboud Scholarship if you:
  1. hold a non-EU/EEA passport;
  2. are not eligible for the lower EEA tuition fee for other reasons;
  3. have been fully admitted to the English-taught Master’s degree programme as stated in the formal letter of admission ;
  4. are able to comply with the conditions for obtaining a visa for the Netherlands ;
  5. are enrolled at Radboud University as a full-time student for the academic year and Master’s degree programme for which the scholarship will be awarded.
Selection criteria
From the eligible candidates the Radboud Scholarship holders will be selected based on the following criteria:
  1. talent: this means that you must have outstanding study results in your present field of study;
  2. expected to be a promising students in your desired field of study at Radboud University;
  3. proven academic quality and good results of your prior education for example through grades, test scores, publications.
  4. quality of the recommendations in the two letters of recommendation;
  5. motivation: based on your motivation letter.
Application procedure and documents required
The application for admission and the application for the scholarship is fully integrated, there is no separate procedure for the scholarship. You apply for a Radboud Scholarship by indicating during your application for admission that you wish to apply for a Radboud Scholarship. You will then be requested to upload three additional documents: two recommendation letters and a curriculum vitae.

You also must have finalized your request for admission before the deadline of 1 March 2014.

The faculty selects the grant recipients. You will be informed about the final decision by the International Office with respect to your application for a Radboud Scholarship before the end of April 2014.

More information
For more information about the scholarship programme, contact the International Office on rsp@io.ru.nl. Do not use this e-mail address for the application.

For more information, please visit official website: www.ru.nl.

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