web counter International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP), American Indonesian Exchange Foundation, USA - Scholarships 2014 - 2015

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International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP), American Indonesian Exchange Foundation, USA

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP), American Indonesian Exchange Foundation, USA, maka Scholarships 2014 - 2015 akan menyampaikan tentang International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP), American Indonesian Exchange Foundation, USA seperti dibawah ini:


International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP), American Indonesian Exchange Foundation, USA

The International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP) is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, and is implemented by IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board), a Washington, DC based non-profit organization.
ILEP will consist of a semester-long academic program at a U.S. university, including coursework and intensive training in teaching methodologies, lesson planning, teaching strategies for their home environment, teacher leadership, as well as the use of computers for internet, word processing and as tools for teaching.

The semester-long program, which will commence in January 2014 and conclude in May 2014, will also include an internship at a secondary school to engage participants actively with the American teachers and students.

The Fellowship provides:
  • A pre-departure orientation held in Indonesia
  • Round-trip airfare to and within the U.S.
  • A Welcome Orientation in Washington, DC
  • Academic program fees
  • Housing (generally shared with other program fellows)
  • Accident and sickness insurance
  • A daily allowance for meals and incidentals during the university academic program
  • A laptop computer
  • book/professional development allowance
  • A Closing Seminar in Washington, DC
  • Excess baggage/shipping allowance
  • The opportunity to apply for collaborative grants with U.S. colleagues
Eligible applicants must:
  • Be secondary-level (SMP/SMA or equivalent), full-time teachers in disciplines including: English as a Foreign Language, Social Studies, Civics, Mathematics or Sciences.
  • 5 years or more of teaching experience.
  • Be citizen of Indonesia
  • Be proficient in written and spoken English with a minimum ITP TOEFL score of 500 or IELTS 5.0 or IBT TOEFL score of 60/61.
Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms which can be downloaded below. 
Applicant must submit the original application and four complete copies (for a total of five (5) copies). Each copy of the application should be submitted in the following order:
  1. Application form
  2. A clearly written and concise one page Statement of Purpose
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Completed recommendation form and letter as well as completed institution support form
  5. A copy of your ID card (KTP or passport)
Note: Each complete application should look identical and be stapled. No other form of binding is permitted.

Please note that we do not accept email applications. Hard copies must be sent or delivered to the following address:

CIMB NIAGA Plaza, 3rd Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 25
Jakarta 12920

Specific questions regarding the application process may be addressed via e-mail to the following address: infofulbright_ind@aminef.or.id.

The deadline to submit the complete application and the required documents 15 April 2014.

Note: Program requirements are subject to change without notice.

Application form can be download here.

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