Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi Hong Kong Postgraduate Scholarships, University of Birmingham, UK, maka Scholarships 2014 - 2015 akan menyampaikan tentang Hong Kong Postgraduate Scholarships, University of Birmingham, UK seperti dibawah ini:
Hong Kong Postgraduate Scholarships, University of Birmingham, UK
The University of Birmingham is pleased to announce postgraduate Masters degree scholarships for candidates from Hong Kong beginning their studies in September 2011.
Candidates for the scholarships should normally fulfill the following requirements:
have resided in Hong Kong for at least 7 years preceding 1 October 2011;
be holders of a degree (or expect to gain a degree before September 2011) from any institutions of tertiary education in Hong Kong;
have applied for admission to the University of Birmingham through the University’s normal admissions procedures by 30 April 2011;
be eligible for admission to their intended course of study at the University of Birmingham (Note: the scholarship award will only be confirmed when the candidate has been offered a place at the University. The offer of a scholarship is not a guarantee of admission to the University);
be able to provide evidence satisfactory to the University of an adequate knowledge of written and spoken English;
should not have previously studied in the United Kingdom; and
should be able to fund the remaining costs of their studies at Birmingham including living costs from other sources.
The scholarships selection committee:
Applications will be considered and short-listed candidates interviewed by the Student Financial Assistance Agency, HKSAR.
Application Forms and Information Flyers can be obtained at Office of Student Affairs, or can be downloaded from the Student Financial Assistance Agency’s website at
All applications forms and relevant supporting documents should be returned to the Student Financial Assistance Agency, Room 1217, 12/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon on or before 30 April 2011.